Monday, January 31, 2011

--- Atoms of Desire ---
Questioner: Why is there so much chaos around us now-a-days?

Thinker: I think world has always been this chaotic, just that the information overload has made this fact more evident and accessible.

Questioner: I didn’t get you?

Thinker: I read once about a 6000 years old book, which was found in an archeological excavation. Somewhere in the book the author mentions: "Oh so much crime is happening now-days, I don't know where this society is heading, old times were so good.". Do you get my point?

Questioner: Oh so you mean to say the world remains static all the time and so is our perception of it?

Thinker: Not overtly static, all the things change shapes from outside, but what does not change is their inherent essence.

Questioner: What does that mean?

ThinkerI think some ways of the world never change inherently. For example, earlier there were money lenders, today we have credit card companies, doing the same job, earlier people were greatly excited about chariot races, today we have F1 fanatics. Certain things like Dictatorships, prostitution, astrology and many others are highly transformed today but still exist in their old essence as was in ancient times.

Questioner: But why is it so?

Thinker: Because the hunger of man for power, money, land and fame will never die. Even though our societies change crucial attributes such as languages, cultures, laws and lifestyles over centuries, the atoms of desire remain strangely same.


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